Club Rental (クラブレンタル)
Club rental includes a Carry Bag and 14 Clubs.
Specify “for men” or “for women.” Men can choose between a beginner set or advanced set of clubs.
As there are a limited number of sets, please contact us as soon as possible to request rental clubs.
Golf Shoes and Gloves (ゴルフシューズ+グローブレンタル)
Please inform us the day before the round so we can prepare gloves and shoes.
Sizes must be given in CM. Larger sizes may not be available.
Shoes and Gloves may also be purchased at the golf course.
Ball and Tee Set (ボール+テイーセット)
The Ball and Tee set contains 6 balls and 10 tees.
Additional balls and tees are available for purchase at the golf course.
Jacket Rental (ジャケット貸与)
At some golf courses, players are required to wear a jacket.
However, in some instances, just bringing a jacket will be sufficient.